Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I have spent years trying to define something that can not be defined, out of hopes that I may find an answer to a question that would unbreak my heart. I have read countless books and have spoken to numerous people of various ages and no has been able to give me an exact precise definition. What is Love?????????? How can I recognize it when I encounter it if I don't know what it is. This question has haunted and tormented since the day she walked out of my life. I took her for granted and toyed with her emotions because I thought she could be replace like the others, but I was wrong. I thought that I'd forget about her in a week, but here I am still thinking about her. Wondering if it was love. Is that the reason why I am unable to forget about her or why these feelings that I have for her still remains? I dont know. I'm begining to think that I'm not suppose to know either. Maybe for the first time in my life I should trust my heart and not my mind................

1 comment:

  1. I have asked myself that same question in the past and I have come to the conclusion that love is subjective. I have several views about it but still no answer. I believe love is easy, there is nothing hard about it when its with the right person. When someone is able to make you feel every emotion under the sun ie; anger, sadness,happiness and make you laugh and cry and you still go back for more, then it's love. It's a wonderful amazing thing/emotion.
