Thursday, August 13, 2009

Behind the smile

I always have a smile on my face and I'm always joking. This is the Romeish people know. This the Romeish people like to be around. This the Romeish they love. But I wonder if they knew who I really was would they still love me. If they knew that I'd rather be crying than smiling, that there's nothing funny about my life, that after years my scars still hurt. Would they still wanna be around me. If I told them about my suicidal thoughts and and the voilence that I try to restrain, would they still think I was such a wonderful guy. I am who I am, I hide nothing when I write and for those who read this and still choose to ride with me.... Thank u

1 comment:

  1. :) Anyone that would read the true words spoken by a man, would like and accept that man. Because nobody can like this man, unless they know him trully. :) Don't be afraid! The ones that have eyes to see the true you, will stand beside you even when they'll know you fake it, just because they can always look into your eyes and see the real you. :)

