Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ten tips on how to survive your woman's pregnancy

We all know that a woman being pregnant is a beautiful thing. She is bringing life into the world and its a very special time, but for a man those nine months could be a nightmare........ So I've put togeather a list of tips for men on how to make it through those nine months without losing your mind......... and a lil blood.

Tip number 1- Dont argue with her. Let me say that again to reinforce it. DON'T ARGUE WITH HER!!!!!!!!!! Coz your gonna lose, even if your right your gonna be wrong at the end of the arguement.... and your gonna end up apologizing and feeling like shit. Here's what you say when a conflict arise... "Your right and I'm sorry" and shut the fuck up.

Tip number 2- Keep her fed..... A hungry pregnant woman is a angry pregnant woman, so feed her. Take her out to a nice restaurant once in awhile and cater to her cravings.

Tip number 3- Learn how to duck.... This tip is just incase you didn't follow tip number 1..... Cause whatever is in her hand she's gonna throw it at you..... and she will be aiming directly for your head.

Tip number 4- Tell her she's beautiful. You'll get mad points for this.

Tip number 5- Give her plenty of hugs. She's real emotional during these months and needs that support.

Tip number 6- Dont buy anything big for yourself. If you do you better not let her know, coz your gonna have to resort to tip number 3 again.

Tip number 7- Stop hanging out and partying. She cant do any of those things and since you help make the baby, she expects you to take that ride with her.

Tip number 8- Buy a book on expectant mothers...... You aint really gotta read it, just keep it around so she can see it. Again you'll mad points for this.

Tip number 9- Stop messing with your side chicks.....I mean it, for them nine months you better make sure that any woman that calls your phone is a relative.

Tip number 10- Is simple, remember that if she aint happy your not gonna be happy......... So make her happy.

I'm no Dr. Phil, but I'm on my second kid and these are the things that I've learned. and you better believe I had to learn tip number 3 the hard way.

1 comment:

  1. This post is so witty! I dunno if it was on purpose or not, but I liked it.
