Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Heaven has been away too long"

Is a verse from a song that I've listened to many times, but went without notice until now. After we've been hurt by someone we become so guarded. Determined never to feel that pain again we begin to build walls to keep out all the bad, but in doing so we also keep out all the good too. We engulf ourselves with work, kids or school to distract us from our unending desire. It works and soon begin to forget.......... You Forget the wonderful things that being inlove brings, the joy and excitement of hearing her voice, the way your heart race at the sight of her, being filled with so many emotions that it confuses you, being caught in a moment that you hope will never end, finding it hard to breath when she is close to u, struggling but unable to find the words to accurately describe what she's done to you. You dont even know what was done to you, all you know is that you like it, and suddenly everything falls into place . Hard to believe but we do forget and we go along with our lives unaware and blind...................................... Until someone comes along and reminds us and you realize how long heaven has been away and u regret all those wasted moments. special times that could have been spent with someone special.Wasted. All I'm saying is its alright to protect yourself, just dont block out the good things. "You have to take the bad with the good." With love theres always a gamble but its worth it.

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