Friday, September 25, 2009

I still believe

I close my eyes and I can hear the cries of a million lonely souls. In the midst of it all I hear my name being called by one.............. Many dont believe in true love anymore, maybe they've had their heart broken so many times that the thought of someone loving them unconditonal and without boundaries seems unrealistic. They've given up and lowered their expectations of love and the things it brings and just decided to settle for someone who they wont argue with too much....... Which is understandable, But I still believe tho. There's a need, a wanting deep down inside of me that someone has yet to satisfy and I believe its because I haven't met the right person. I know what true love is without a doubt............ Because I have felt it and like a drug addict chasing that first high, I too continue to chase that person who will make every day feel better than the one before, Who will make loving her easy, whose smile causes you to smile, even when u feel like crying. With all that love to has to offer I cant understand why people would want to give up on it and settle for less???? All those heart breaks will only make it feel that much better once you've found it..

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