Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Women are not that complicated

Men are always bitching and complaining about how they dont understand women. How they're so complicated. If a man really wants to understand a woman all he has to do is pay attention to her. Pay attention to what amuses her, pay attention to what makes her go "Awwww", pay attention to what makes her angry, pay attention to what makes her cry and Most importantly and this is key to unlocking the secrets to any woman, Listen!!!!!! Women are constantly telling us what they need, but men are so self centered and selfish that we dont hear her. All we hear is words coming from her mouth, but we never take time to listen, interpret, and remember what she says. All a man has to do is put his needs to the side for 20 minutes every day, humble himself, give his woman a call and listen. His life would be so much easier.


  1. hahaha:)) u are right:) so, is ur life easier then?:) cuz u know theories and practice:)

  2. Please post this on FB or something. Guys really need to know this. Great job hun.
