Saturday, February 13, 2010

My some day

Someone once tried to lead me to believe that "True Love" doesnt exist. That it was a fantastic illusion that only happens in movies. "Look around you, that happy, giddy feeling is only in the begining............. That shit fades." But there wrong. True love do exist and its all around us. It is what dreams stem from, the birth place of joy, the origin of hope and the reason why we continue to go on. What keeps a couple togeather for fifty years and after that fifty has passed makes them wish they had fifty more to spend with each other. The reason why I was made.......... To love another........ To wake up next to her still sleeping with her naked back exposed, kiss it, inhale her and realize that this is as close to heaven as your gonna get while on earth. Somethings cant come from the imagination and somethings cant be fabricated. They had to have been experienced. An experience that I long for and while forever continue to wait for. If I spend the majority of my life alone and only get to experience true for but a small fraction of it, it would have been worth it. Call me a dreamer, call me a fool........ heard it all........ but I still believe.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Heaven has been away too long"

Is a verse from a song that I've listened to many times, but went without notice until now. After we've been hurt by someone we become so guarded. Determined never to feel that pain again we begin to build walls to keep out all the bad, but in doing so we also keep out all the good too. We engulf ourselves with work, kids or school to distract us from our unending desire. It works and soon begin to forget.......... You Forget the wonderful things that being inlove brings, the joy and excitement of hearing her voice, the way your heart race at the sight of her, being filled with so many emotions that it confuses you, being caught in a moment that you hope will never end, finding it hard to breath when she is close to u, struggling but unable to find the words to accurately describe what she's done to you. You dont even know what was done to you, all you know is that you like it, and suddenly everything falls into place . Hard to believe but we do forget and we go along with our lives unaware and blind...................................... Until someone comes along and reminds us and you realize how long heaven has been away and u regret all those wasted moments. special times that could have been spent with someone special.Wasted. All I'm saying is its alright to protect yourself, just dont block out the good things. "You have to take the bad with the good." With love theres always a gamble but its worth it.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Too much suffering

U never understand the destruction or feel the pain of a natural disaster until it hits home. Although I'm not Hatian, alot of my close friends are and I bare witness to what they're going through. Not knowing if their loved ones are alive or dead and just being powerless to do anything. I cant even watch the news or open a news paper without being moved to tears by the images that I see. The yet so far is a father crying holding a dead child. This image has haunted me for days now. Everytime I look at my kids I feel like crying. I cant begin to imagine what Haitians here are going through. American, Haitian, Jamaican, we are all black and when one people cry we all should cry, when one people mourn we all should mourn and one is down we all should join togeather and help them back up.......... Do what u can, nothing is to small.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Where the Fukc have u been?????????

Is the question most of u have been asking. Sorry for being away so long, I know how much ya'll love reading about my fascinating life and my views on relationships............... Especially the ladies. Well first off let me say that I survived the holidays. Barely, but its alllll good coz my lil man got everything he wanted and me and the fam spent some well over due qulity time togeather. Unfortunately tho some fool ran a red light and crashed into my parked car. Let me say me say this, if u wanna see a grown man cry jus fuck his car up........... but I guess ya'll women already kno that :/ I was in a state of shock, then denial and I jus broke down. I swear another man had to come over and comfort me. Not on no gay shit tho!!!!! but he understood *sigh* thanks Benny the tow truck driver.
So now I'm taking public transportation and I actually like it. Very entertaining. If ur a writer u have to take public transportation, with the shit u witness u can write ten books. From a dope fiend bugging the fuck out, to people preaching......... I mean Wow! I definately like the experience tho.
As far as writing tho, still on it. I just finished revising my first book "Touch" scheduled to be released in March. I also have enough material for a second book, in which I trying to put out in June. Other than that I'm cool, living life to the fullest. Dont worry I aint going no where, Here to stay baby. dueces

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Holiday time

It was the Thanks Giving holiday........ which it dont really care for. The white man came over here robbed the Indians and thats we're celebrating. No thanks I'll pass, but I most definately came thru for dinner tho. And lets not forget black Friday, this is the really holiday for me. I was up in Toys R Us at 1 in the morning with the rest of the parents fighting over toys............ Side note to black people............ White people might be afraid of you in the streets, but in a toy store......STRAIGHT GANGSTA...... I mean it. I aint talking about the men either, I'm talkng about the women. The ones that look like Martha Stuart at that. They do not play!!!!! But I did get most of things my son wanted off the list. My daughter, who jus turned 1 month is good...... for now. I could get her an empty soda bottle and she'd still be happy. Yes people this is the exiciting life of a father, but I'm :) tho

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Following God

I've recently made a decision to follow God and become saved, I would like to say that my life has gotten easier since that day, but I would be lying. It seems like everything has gotten worse, negative things just keeps happening to me..... I mean one after the other to the point where Its expected. You lose alot of people too. I began to have doubts............. Until I realize that I must be on the right path. Why else would the devil go thru such great lengths to try and deter me. To try and break me and bring me back down. But God is good and I continue to edure, thru out my ordeals he has never left my side and like the loyal friend I am........... I will never leave his. I struggles I am going thru is a small price to pay for the peace and joy that comes with my journey.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We gotta learn how to help eachother

One thing that I realized about other writers.........THEY DO NOT LIKE TO HELP EACHOTHER! I used to ask other more established writers what they and how they got put on hoping to get some real advise....... All these MF's did was give me some bullshit answer that was useless and kept it moving. It was allllll good tho I went found the answers I needed and formulated my own game plan. I try not to be like them, anyone who has ever asked me a question about writing a book, I always help them to the best of my ability and encourage them in any way I can. I know alot of you who read my blog are writers yourself, or are avid readers who thought about writing a book.............. So what I'm gonna do is tell you how I started and what I did.
First off let me say that everyone has a story to tell, whether its events that took place in your life or just an idea you have, we all have a story to tell. The only difference between you and a writer is that a writer found a way to tell his story and profited. So like so many readers I always had these ideas in my head and I would tell them to a friend of mine who'd really like them. After I decided that this was what I was going to do I got a composition note book. Please pay attention to the last part. I said after I decided that I wanted to be a writer I got a COMPOSITION NOTEBOOK, not a $1200 laptop, but $2 notebook. Thats all you need, and I began to write down everything. it was scattered at first and unorganized but I wrote down all my ideas and thoughts in my book. Everywhere I went I had it and as soon as something came to me I wrote it down. Then I did my research. I googled everything, anything I wanted to kno was right there online. Topics like "how to write a book", "how to copyright your book," and "how to publish your books" were what I spent hours reading about. I also would read about famous authors and how they came up. I studied their strategies and tried to see if it could work for me. I entered writing contest and most importantly I started networking and trying to showcase my work on Facebook. I also started a blog, which u already know.......coz ur reading it now.......lame joke, I'm sorry........ but find a platform for your work so people can see it and judge for themselves. Most importanly learn how to listen and not take things personal. The negative criticisms are the most important ones. Take it in analyze it and see how u can imporove. IIIII Think thats about it....... for now anyway. I'm no where close to where I want to be as far as my goals, but I'm one step closer. I hope I was of some help to someone today who wanted to take that first step but didnt know how. Be blessed