Friday, September 25, 2009

I still believe

I close my eyes and I can hear the cries of a million lonely souls. In the midst of it all I hear my name being called by one.............. Many dont believe in true love anymore, maybe they've had their heart broken so many times that the thought of someone loving them unconditonal and without boundaries seems unrealistic. They've given up and lowered their expectations of love and the things it brings and just decided to settle for someone who they wont argue with too much....... Which is understandable, But I still believe tho. There's a need, a wanting deep down inside of me that someone has yet to satisfy and I believe its because I haven't met the right person. I know what true love is without a doubt............ Because I have felt it and like a drug addict chasing that first high, I too continue to chase that person who will make every day feel better than the one before, Who will make loving her easy, whose smile causes you to smile, even when u feel like crying. With all that love to has to offer I cant understand why people would want to give up on it and settle for less???? All those heart breaks will only make it feel that much better once you've found it..

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Two years Now

Its been two years now since I began writing seriously and one of the most frequently asked questions by my haters and those that doubt me is that "what if this writing thing doesnt workout for you?????" And my response is "Thats minor to me" My biggest fear about pursuing my dream isnt that I will fail.................It is that I will not reach my full potential as a writer. I realized tho that the only way that can happen is if I give up, which I have vowed never to do. Even If I never become rich from it, atleast at the end of the day I'll know that I tried and I have no regrets. I dont want to look back at my life at fifty and say "Man, I was a good writer, I wonder what would have happened if I had went at it???" I also want to be able to tell my son when he gets older to follow his dream and the best way to do that is to be an example to him. My heart hurts everytime I get rejected but it breaks when I hear "Your a good writer and a few years ago you would have had a deal but its not like that anymore." Its hard to bounce back but some how I always do. God gave me something wonderful and special and it would be ungrateful of me not to use it, so no matter what I'm gonna keep writing. I know alot of people ignore my link to my blog, but for the few that do take time out to read.............Thank you. I appriciate every single one of you. Be blessed

Monday, September 14, 2009

There is no gray with me

I see things and situations only as black and white, there is no gray area with me. Your either with me or your not. Your either gonna do something or your not. Your either serving God or the devil. This is the core of my character, what I've built myself around. There are some that say that my way of thinking is wrong because there is a gray area in everything and I should learn how to bend the rules. Now let me ask you this, would you do a crime with a partner who had a gray area in his thinking????? Would you marry a woman who had a gray area when she took her vows??????? Would you follow a pastor who had a gray area????? Those that are close to me and who knows me.........loves me for the fact that I only deal in black and white. Cause when I say I got ya back there is no question about it. I'll ride fa u til the wheels fall off........ and when I tell a woman she's the only one for me, trust and believe that I'll be coming home every night. One thing I still believe in and always will............ A man's word should always hold weight and his character should speak for it self.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why ask for the truth??

Women ask for the truth knowing deep down that they really dont want it. Knowing that they would rather their man lie than tell them how it really is. Sometimes a man wants to come clean and just get everything off his chest. "Yes I was with her last night, yes I slept with her and yes I am falling inlove with her." But looking into her eyes and seeing her frality and kowning our next words could shatter her world..........We Lie....... Although her lips are asking for the truth, her eyes are begging us to lie to her and tell her what she wants to hear. "No I wasn't with her, she ment nothing to me and yes your the only woman I love." I have witnessed a situation where a friend of mine got caught out there by his girl and he told a lie sooooo outrageous that only a child would believe it, but his girl believed him. I realize now that she wasn't stupid and that she really didn't believe the lie, but rather chose to accept it. women dont believe the lies men tell they just accept it as the truth...... and in the end "the things we accept are the things we regret"

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Negative People

I want everyone who reads this blog to stop, take a couple of minutes, look at all the people thats in your life right now and think about whose building you up and whose bringing you down............................................................. Finished??????? Now tell me why are the people who are bring you down still in your life????? Whether if its your spouse or a family member you gotta cut them loose so you can rise to the top.
A few years ago I started looking at and analyzing the ones I called friends....... After a while I realized that alot of them didnt deserve that title and I had to cut them loose. From my home boy who was secretly jealous of me and was always happy when failed. To my boy that I knew since I was 8 who only called my phone when he need something. To the bitchass ni**a who was no where to be found when shit hits the fan. All of them got a "fuck You" and a dial tone. It is what it is. Now I keep my circle very small, I only surround myself with positive people who are real and I've never been happier.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" Who ever came up with saying must have had no concept of life or the make up of a man. Your body will heal from the physical damage done to it, but words leave wounds on the heart, the mind and the soul........ and these wounds are the hardest to heal. Some may take years and some never does. We all know that words hurt women............. we know this because they cry. Women have this luxury. I call it a luxury because its something a man can not do after someone close to him uses hurtful words. I doubt that women know how much damage they do to a man during an argument. Certain things should not be said to a man by his woman and all ya'll ladies kno what they are, because every woman knows her man and knows what subjects are off limits, but you choose to use them anyway. Sometimes it would be better if you hit us with a baseball bat, because that would hurt alot less. Time will pass and you may make up, but those words are never forgotten. Sometimes a wall is built from those words, seperating you from him and thats when another woman steps in. Some men are dogs and they cheat because they just want sex, but some men......good men cheat for this reason. The next time u get into an argument with your man and you feel like saying certain things to him, stop, think about it and ask yourself if its worth losing him......